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Oct '12

About PerformanceStudies.Org

As someone interested in Performance Studies*, we hope that this site will prove of use to you. We are always growing, so definitely let us know what we should add.

Our Web Links section (a very large focus of our work thus far) is still available for you to browse, but please excuse our mess while we work to finish migrating it to the new system. Also, please submit any links you feel would be of benefit to our site.

While we try to update the site with as much information on calls for papers, conferences/workshops, performances and other performance studies news, we need your input, too. So, don’t be shy! Submit news, articles, reviews, observations, conference notes, workshop/festival responses or anything else you want to share. Simply use the “contact us” button to your left.

If you would like to submit posts on a regular basis, please register by clicking “Register” to your right. It is free, easy and we will never share your information. Ever.

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Happy Creating,

The PerformanceStudies.org Team

*Performance studies is a growing field of academic study focusing on the use of performance both as something to be critically examined and as something which can be utilized to approach a better understanding of the human condition, of both society and self.

Thanks for visiting!

-The PerformanceStudies.Org Team

Oct '12

Post doctoral position in neuroaesthetics in Paris

Title: neural basis of emotion perception in art
Category: Biological/Neuroscience
Deadline: Rolling

Postdoc Description:

A 24 month Postdoctoral research position is available at the emotion centre (at paris 6 university/ CNRS and La Salpetriere hospital) in collaboration with the Jean Nicod Institute (Ecole Normale Supérieure/Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/CNRS).
The fellow will work with Dr Stéphanie Dubal (Emotion center) and Dr Jérôme Pelletier (Jean Nicod Institute) on the neural basis of emotion perception in art.
The program will consist in leading Neuroimaging experiments on the perception of emotions in Chinese art. The fellow will join our multi-disciplinary program that brings together researchers in the field of social sciences as well as specialists in cognitive science and an artist around a common goal, which is to understand the perception of emotions in Chinese art.
Applicants should have a PhD in affective/cognitive neuroscience or a related field with a conceptual background in the study of emotion. Applicants should have experience conducting fMRI studies or MEG studies and conducting data analysis.
Ability to work well in a multidisciplinary highly collaborative research team would be advantageous. You should be willing to work closely with collaborators like philosophers and artists.
Review of applications will begin immediately, and will continue until the position is filled.
Net monthly salary: 2,039 €.
Please send a letter of interest, a CV, some letters of reference as well as relevant reprints of research articles to Stéphanie Dubal (stephanie.dubal@upmc.fr) and Jérôme Pelletier (jerome.pelletier@ehess.fr ).

Jul '12

Welcome, New Friends

We’d like to say HI to all our new followers and friends!

While we were unable to attend PSi18, this year’s Performance Studies international Conference in Leeds, we are very optimistic about attending PSi19 next year in Stanford, CA. As such, we’d like to start reaching out to the community now to talk about live tweeting/blogging the event.


Share in the comments or reply via twitter, we’d love to hear from you in any way you see fit.

Happy Creating,
The PerformanceStudies.org Team

Mar '12

Reminder: Registration for PSi18 is open

Registration for the PSi conference Performance :: Culture :: Industry in Leeds (June 27- July 1, http://www.psi18.org/) has opened. PSi#18 conference – registration now open.

PSi#18 performance: culture : industry
27th June -1st July 2012, University of Leeds, UK

“We invite academics, artists and other practitioners to debate, develop, contest and celebrate the relationships between culture, industry and performance – now, in the past, and in possible futures. We have the following areas in mind; and our minds are open to more:

Value and efficacy
Commercial and amateur
Cultural articulations
Relations and determinations
Training, labour and innovation
Economy / Ecology

We have planned over 400 sessions presented by more than 550 scholars, artists and activists from all corners of the globe.
In the same week as the conference Ludus Festival Leeds, a festival of international theatre and performance in venues across Leeds, will also be running. The programme for Ludus Festival Leeds will be announced shortly.

The deadline for proposals has now passed but you can register to participate as a delegate from here: http://www.psi18.org/registration/.”

May '10

CFP Ancient Drama in Performance: Theory and Practice (Due June 18)

Call for Papers

Ancient Drama in Performance: Theory and Practice will coincide with the 2010 Randolph College Greek Play: Euripides’ Hecuba, an original-practices production. The play and response to it will be the culmination of a day of scholarly and practical exchanging of ideas on ancient theatre. We are inviting proposals from scholars and practitioners of all levels for papers on topics to do with ancient drama in performance, including but not restricted to the staging, texts, design, repertory, personnel, and the social impact of plays in the ancient Greek and Roman world, as well as of plays as re-performed in the modern world. Papers will be delivered in an outdoor Greek theatre (or a round indoor space if it rains), which means that papers that deal with original practices in some way would find a comfortable setting, but all topics concerned with the plays as a practice are welcome. Presenters who would like to demonstrate their performance ideas will be provided with student actors (with or without masks), with whom arrangements can be made prior to the meeting. Papers are limited to 10 minutes (presentation without actors) and to 13 minutes (presentations with student actors).* Presenters should be aware that they will hear the sound of a drum when two minutes remain and will exit pursued by a Fury when time is out.

The conference will feature a keynote address by Kenneth Reckford, and a response to Hecuba by Mary-Kay Gamel.

Please submit a 300 word abstract and a short bio here by 18 June 2010 (please note new deadline).

A longer description of the conference is at http://faculty2.randolphcollege.edu/ancientdrama/about. Another notice will go out when general registration for the event opens.

* Ten minutes is a perfect amount of time to present one idea very well and to tantalize an audience into wanting to know more from you when you meet later.

Apr '10

What PSi16 session or shift do you want covered?

It’s very exciting how soon the PSi16 Conference, Performing Publics, will be here. The conference schedule was recently published online and the coinciding Luminato Festival line up is particularly impressive. What’s even more exciting is that PerformanceStudies.Org will be covering the conference and part of the festival. Part of my intention is to provide access to the conference to those who cannot attend. To that end, I am currently taking requests to cover particular sessions, shifts or events. So, use the “contact us” button to your left or comment below and let me know what you want to see covered.

Jul '09

Power of Words Conference, Sept. 3-7

Explore how we can use our words — written, spoken or sung — to make community, deepen healing, witness one another, wake ourselves up, and foster empowerment and transformation.

Taking place at Goddard College in Plainfield, VT (organized by the Transformative Language Network, and founded by Goddard College), this conference features experiential workshops, performances, open readings, and celebrations. Make community with others who share your passion.

Keynote presenters for the 2009 conference include: Kayhan Irani, performer of the Theatre of the Oppressed and creator of Artivista, combining art and activism; John Fox, poet, author, poetry therapist, author of Poetic Medicine; Lewis Mehl Medrona, author of Coyote Medicine, Native American physician; Dovie Thomason, award-winning Native American storyteller, recording artist and author; Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, Kansas Poet Laureate, author of the memoir, The Sky Begins at Your Feet; Sherry Reiter, poetry therapy pioneer and author of Writing Away the Demons.

Conference features a wide range of expressive arts workshops, plus special tracks in Narrative Medicine, Right Livelihood, and Social Change. Beautiful setting, reasonable conference fees, room and board available on campus, work-study positions and scholarships available, including the Roxanne-Florence Scholarship for people of color.

More information at www.TLANetwork.org OR via email

Jul '09

Antony Gormley’s ‘One & Other’

“Twenty-four hours a day for 100 straight days, different people will join kings and generals high atop London’s Trafalgar Square [to occupy the empty Fourth Plinth], becoming, if only for an hour, a living monument … this elevation of everyday life to the position formerly occupied by monumental art allows us to reflect on the diversity, vulnerability and particularity of the individual in contemporary society.” –Tom LeGro

Jun '09

Border Art Project

Master of fine arts students and recent graduates from the University of California, San Diego have organized the Freephone Art Project, an art installation, at the Lui Velazquez Gallery in Tijuana (funded by the UCSD visual arts department)

“the free phone project fits perfectly into what [Dominguez] and other like-minded artists call “artivism,” in this case using “border disturbance technologies” to explore the social issues raised by the barrier between nations. Providing free telephone service, he says, is a way of making a statement that the border should not be about blocking and walls, but about fostering communication.

And what makes the Freephone Art Project art, rather than simply public service? For Cardenas, a longtime border activist, “it’s part of the trajectory that I’ve been involved in — it uses this strategy of building the world we want instead of asking for it, or waiting for the president to do it.”

The work will become part of an international “aesthetico-political event” coordinated by the Sense Lab at Montreal’s Concordia University.”
complete article here

Apr '09

Origami Stimulus Package Event (April 26) US

Call for participants- Origami Stimulus Package Event -April 26th (Waltham, MA)

A BIG FUN PARTY to turn the Economic Stimulus Package into origami creations

The Institute for Infinitely Small Things presents
Origami Stimulus Package a BIG AFTERNOON PARTY to make origami out of the Economic Stimulus Package!!
Sunday, April 26th, 1-5PM
Leonard Bernstein Festival of the Creative Arts

click below for more information…

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